Sing? Play an instrument? The Worship Team uses their gifts and abilities to minister to the church body through the expression of music. They lead worship during Sunday services and events throughout the year.
The Audio / Visual team keep things running smoothly during our weekend services and at events so that our attendees have a great experience! They run the lighting and sound booth during services.
Greeters are some of the first people our attendees come in contact with at weekend services. They greet our guests during services and help people find their way around Real Life Church.
The Coffee Bar Team connects with guests by offering a hot cup of coffee and a warm welcome. This team serves and creates a welcoming atmosphere and ensures the coffee bar area is fully stocked and ready for our guests.
A warm breakfast is served here at Real Life Church from 8:15am-8:50am. This team connects with guests by cooking and serving breakfast and creating a welcoming experience.
Real Life Kids Ministry meets at 9:00AM & 12:00PM. We worship, teach bible based lessons, & play games. We serve kids all the way from babies up to 6th grade. Leaders serve on a rotating schedule.