Our small groups have started. We would love to get you plugged into a small group! Please contact tamara@reallifeyuma.com for help.
Monthly Prayer Group
Trunk or treat candy donation
Monthly Prayer Group
Join our prayer warriors for the monthly prayer meeting on the last Friday of each month in our children's building.
Trunk or treat candy donation
Trunk or treat candy donation
Trunk or treat candy donation
This Sunday, we will start collecting candy donations for our Trunk or Treat. We would greatly appreciate any donations we recieve. Our Trunk or Treat will be held on October 19th from 5-7pm.
Church Clean up
Church Clean up
Trunk or treat candy donation
Save the date! Saturday October 12th @ 6:30 am, we will be having a church clean up. We will be doing lots of raking, picking up and loading tree limbs, and making trips to the dump to unload.
RL Kids connect
Church Clean up
RL Kids connect
Enjoy a night with your family painting each other! October 17th at 5pm.
Save the date! October 19th from 5-7 pm we will be having our Trunk Or Treat. We are going with a Superhero theme this year. If you'd like to participate, please sign up on a connection card or the church center app.